Manage projects with ease

Manage all of your projects in one place. Work together with your colleagues.
Keep an eye on your project metrics — no matter where you are.
Project view screenshot
The solution

Deeper insights into your projects

All Project Figures at a Glance

Monitor your project's performance and proactively respond to discrepancies.

Detailed project journal

Record progress and changes in the automatically generated project journal.

Central communication

Centralize internal communication about the project.

One place for all project-related data

Save project-related photos and files to the corresponding project.
Project view screenshot
In general

Speed up your project management

Manage all of your projects in one central location.
Manage project information
Keep an eye on project metrics
Create tasks for your employees
Define project conditions
Screenshot of the daily schedule per group

Create project offers

Create own text offers, supplementary offers, dimensions and compilations for your projects.
Create multiple offers for different project participants
Offer additional services with supplementary offers
Record the extent with dimensions
Stay up to date with the current compilation
Create a director report on the smartphone

Create director reports in the blink of an eye

Create weekly director reports and send them via email.
Track the hours of your employees, vehicles and construction equipment
Define the quantities of materials used
Set directing conditions
Calculate rental costs
Manage files and photos in the app.

Document progress

Together with your team on the construction site, you document the construction progress.
Keep a project journal
Communicate project-specifically
Manage photos and documents
Project view screenshotScreenshot of the own text offer toolCreate a director report on the smartphoneManage files and photos in the app.
That's how it works

The easiest way to manage construction projects


Create a project

Create a project based on an offer.

Managing a Project

Make your project a success with a variety of everyday tools.

Complete project

Complete a project and archive all data.

Analyze project

Analyze the project figures and take any measures.

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to the most common questions about project management features

You can create as many projects as you want.

You can assign a project manager to each project.

You can create different offers for different recipients within a project.

You have the option to create daily and weekly government reports.

Gain more time for craftsmanship

Try Caturix free for 30 days