Checklists and list views

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We are very pleased to be able to present long-awaited features with the latest update.


Planning resources and tasks has been made easier:

  • When resources or tasks are dragged over several days, the standard shift is now used in the weekly view.
  • With one click on the day of a resource or task, the standard shift is now planned directly. It is no longer necessary to enter it by hand.
  • You can move tasks and resources to another group using the three-dot menu.
  • It is now possible to copy groups to the following days and weeks by moving or extending the group bar.
  • The number of tasks and employees that have already been planned is now displayed in the first line.
  • The weekend can now be shown and hidden using the view configuration in the week view.
  • In group planning, the number of employees, vehicles and tasks are now displayed on the bar.
  • The planning aids are now also available in group planning.
  • Tasks that have already been scheduled can be postponed to another date. In doing so, the task remains in the assigned group.

Get to know all new planning features in the video.


The task functions have been extended.

  • It is now possible to enter multiple checklists for a task.
  • It is now possible to upload files related to the tasks.
  • The tasks can now be estimated according to duration in days and according to personnel requirements.

List views

The new list views summarize director reports, on-account payments and tasks for all projects. The entries can be filtered according to various criteria such as status or date, which makes it easier, for example, to check director reports or on-account payments.

Mobile app

The mobile app has also received new features:

  • From now on, notifications will also be displayed in the mobile app. We have also adapted the mechanism so that only relevant notifications are sent. Individual preferences can be adjusted in the settings of the web app.
  • Checklists can be created and edited in the mobile app.
  • Task files can be viewed.

Improvements and bug fixes

As always, we've made various improvements and bug fixes.

  • The global search has been redesigned and further results can be displayed.
  • The new project status “Billable” was introduced.
  • The map function has been visually adjusted to make the tasks more visible.