Simplified time tracking

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Time tracking

The simplified reporting of working time is now available. Employees can report their total hours per task via the mobile app. With simplified working time tracking, breaks and travel times are not recorded separately and the employee only records the number of hours worked.

  • Employees can only report working hours to tasks planned for them. If they were not planned, they cannot report times.
  • The planned target hours are pre-filled as a suggestion and the employee can confirm the times with just a few clicks or adjust them if necessary.
  • In the web app, the project manager can check and approve the reported working hours on a daily or weekly basis.
  • Payroll can transfer the times to their system and set the status to “posted” in Caturix.

Important: Please make sure that your company meets the requirements for simplified time tracking.

Project journal

As part of time tracking, the project journal was also revised and expanded:

  • The target and actual working hours are now recorded in the project journal for each task and employee.
  • The actual hours are multiplied by the internal or external hourly rate and the approximate labor costs are thus calculated.
    • An external (charged) hourly rate can now be defined. This can be defined either in the global settings or in the conditions for each project.
    • The internal hourly rate per employee is defined on the corresponding contract.
  • The project dashboard has been integrated into the project journal and the key figures are now visible in the sidebar.

Please note that the figures obtained are only an approximation of reality and do not represent 100% of it. The project journal should help the project manager to assess project progress.

Mobile app

  • Employees can report their daily working hours per scheduled task.
  • It is now also possible to upload files for tasks via the app.

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Tasks are now sorted by start date in the project.
  • The sidebar can be shown and hidden again.
  • The personnel, vehicle and contact views were visually refreshed.
  • An error related to displaying files on a task has been fixed.